Need Help To…

Quit Smoking

Talk to your healthcare provider about quitting and medications that might be suitable for you. For additional help, call the New York State Smokers’ Quitline at 1-866-NYQUITS (1-866-697-8487) for free assistance in English and Spanish or visit

The New York State Smokers’ Quitline offers individualized coaching and a free starter kit for eligible smokers who want to quit smoking. Visit NYC Quits for local resources, including locating a Quit Smoking Program Site and signing up for the Text NYC Quits program.


Inform a Loved One

It can be difficult to help a loved one kick their nicotine addiction. There are resources to help everyone.


Inform a Community Member or Group

The NYC Smoke-Free team meets with community members, influential leaders, local lawmakers, community boards, and others from every every borough. Get in touch with our Community Engagement Managers in your borough to learn how to spread the word about tobacco-free norms where you live, work, and play.


Resolve a Smoking Issue in My Building

Are you experiencing tobacco smoke pollution where you live? Are you interested in adopting a smoke-free housing policy for your building(s)? Do you want to initiate a conversation with your neighbors, resident board, or landlord about going smoke-free? Check out the toolkits and guides. If you need more help, contact our team in your borough to get more information, or complete this form.


Resolve a Smoking Issue in My Place of Business

A recent survey has shed light on the attitudes of most New Yorkers, including a large number of smokers and e-cigarette users, who support New York City policies that prohibit smoking and vaping outside workplace entrances and on workplace grounds. Adopting a Tobacco-Free Outdoor Air policy is the first step towards making your workplace free of smoke pollution and improving air quality. Check out the TFO Workplace Policy Guide or contact your borough office for further technical assistance.


Resolve a Smoking Issue at My School

Connect with the Reality Check Youth Engagement Manager in your borough to become a student advocate and educate your peers on the dangers of smoking and vaping.
